The Life and Punishment of Wu Gang

A minor but constant part of every version of the Story of Chang E, Wu Gang is the unimportant detail that most people just don’t give much thought to. But Wu Gang’s story is actually much more complicated than most people think.

A long time ago, Wu Gang was a member of Tian Di’s court. He was a cultivator, and once, he offended Tian Di. Tian Di sentenced him to cut the tree on the moon for eternity, saying that once he cut down the tree, his sentence would end. He is like the Sisyphus of Chinese Mythology, sentenced to a punishment that would never end.

However, this is only one of many versions of stories told of Wu Gang’s past. Another version of his past, one of the more eccentric ones, is that a long time ago, Wu Gang would meet up with Chang E at work. When Tian Di found out, he was furious, and sentenced him to cut the tree on the moon for eternity, thinking that this way, he would never be able to meet Chang E again.

This version of the story is slightly less believable, because Chang E ended up on the moon with Wu Gang anyways.

The thing is, no matter which version of the story you choose to believe, Wu Gang is a much more complex character than most people realize.

