The Hongmen Banquet, also known as The Feast at Swan Goose Gate, is one of, if not the most famous feasts in China’s history. It took place in 206 BC near Xianyang, which was the capital of the Qin dynasty. The Hongmen Banquet happened because of a competition between Liu Bang, and Xiang Yu. Xiang Yu was the descendant of a Chu general who died in battle against Qin, while Liu Bang was an ordinary citizen. In 209 BC, Xiang Yu and his uncle, Xiang Liang, started a revolution against Qin, and recruited Liu Bang, who had become the leader of a group of criminals that were sent to build Qin Shi Huang’s tomb. The contest was set by Chu huai Wang. Chu Huai Wang said that they had to race each other and try to reach Qin’s capital Xianyang first. Whoever entered Xianyang first, would be granted the title King of Guanzhong. 

On the way to Xianyang, Xiang Yu conquered a lot of smaller cities which caused his journey to be delayed, thus making him arrive after Liu Bang. . Xiang Yu was extremely mad at the thought that Liu Bang had beat him, and thought that he had betrayed him because somebody from Liu Bang’s camp had told him that he was winning over the hearts of people in Xianyang, and his advisor, Fan Zeng, who was a really smart person, told him that the only reason Liu Bang would do that is if he wanted to gain their support. Xiang Yu decided to attack Liu Bang the next day. Xiang Yu’s uncleXiang Bo, had once been saved by Zhang Liang, who was one of Liu bangs closest advisors, and didn’t want Zhang Liang to get hurt when Xiang yu attacked his camp.

 That night, he sneaked out of Xiang Yu’s camp to meet Zhang Liang and told him to run away. Of course, being one of Liu bang’s closest friends and advisors, he did not abandon Liu Bang and run away himself. Instead, he told Liu Bang to meet Xiang Bo, and convince him that he didn’t actually betray Xiang Yu (he actually had) but was actually waiting for Xiang Yu to come. Xiang Bo, being a simple person, believed him and returned to Xiang Yu’s camp. 

Once he got back, he went to Xiang Yu and said: “Liu Bang did not  betray you. He was waiting for you to arrive” Back then, it was important to be respectful towards your elders, and Xiang Yu trusted him, so he listened to him without even asking how he knew that.

 In the morning, Liu Bang visited Xiang Yu’s camp with100 soldiers, Zhang Liang, and Fan Kuai (the husband of Liu Bang’s wife’s sister). When he arrived, he told Xiang Yu of his innocence and loyalty towards him. Xiang Yu believed him and invited Liu Bangand Zhang Liang to eat with them. During the meal, Fan Zeng, who was the only person that had no idea what was going on, thought that Xiang Yu had somehow lured Liu Bang there and wanted to assassinate him. So, he kept on raising his yu jue, which was supposed to represent a signal to assassinate Liu Bang ! Instead of killing Liu Bang, Xiang Yu repeatedly ignored him, so Fan Zeng got up and told Xiang Zhuang to perform swordfighting and then assassinate Liu Bang. When Xiang Zhuang started to perform sword fighting, Xiang Bo could tell something was wrong, so he got up and announced :

 “Wouldn’t it be boring with only one person performing? How about I join you?” 

Xiang Bo got up and started sword fighting with Xiang Zhuang. As they were sword fighting, Zhang Liang went outside and called Fan Kuai over, as he sensed something was not right. Fan Kuai was only Liu Bang’s coachman and didn’t actually have the right to eat with them. However, Xiang Yu was a person that respected other warriors and didn’t get angry when Fan Kuai barged in. Instead, he invited Fan Kuai to eat with them. Zhang Liang knew that Xiang Zhuang was trying to assassinate Liu Bang, so he told Liu Bang to get up and say he needed to use the bathroom. 

Liu Bang pretended to use the bathroom while secretly running back to his camp. After many years, Liu Bang eventually became the first emperor of the Han dynasty. However, if Xiang Yu had listened to Fan Zeng and killed Liu Bang when he had the chance, then China’s history would have been very different, for good or bad.

                                THE END 

